Friday, April 30, 2010

Experimental homemade (dread)loc hair spritz

Here is a homemade spritz recipe that I came up with. It leaves my hair feeling soft and sheeny and smells very nice.

I use a 236 ml spray bottle.

Once again sorry, I do not have exact measurments.

Fill the bottle with half lemon juice, I use RealLemon from the bottle
(Lemon, some what antiseptic, contains natural oils, slightly fragrant, feels good on scalp, supposedly helps speed up the locking process)

Add about 3 drops of tea tree oil
(Antiseptic, but not enough is used to smell it)

About 1 tablespoon of Castor oil
( A nice thick moisturizing oil that adds shine, but not enough is used to smell it)

About 5 drops of jojoba oil
( A wonderful oil that mimics the natural oil of the skin)

About 4 tablespoons of olive oil
(Another great moisturizer that adds shine)

Fill the rest of the bottle with rose water
(Smells great, I use the real rose water not the artifical stuff, smells like roses,but is not overpowering)

I keep the bottle in the fridge so when I spritz my hair it feels cool and refreshing.  Shake it vigorously and if your oils seem stuck to the sides of the bottle rinse the bottle under warm tap water for a few seconds.

***warning: supposedly lemon juice may lighten hair, It hasn't been sunny enough to test this, I wouldn't mind a bit of lightening anyway.  I'll keep you posted on what happens when the sun comes out. 


  1. How is the spritz working out? Does the lemon juice irritate your skin or make your dreads too dry?

  2. I've abandoned this spritz because I've colored a few of my locs and I don't want them to be lightened, but for the about 3 weeks that I used it I didn't notice lightening or dryness.

    I now use the same spritz sans the lemon juice.
